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Ortlieb Velocity PS

This courier-style backpack has been one of ORTLIEB’s most popular products for many years. It is simply unbeatable when it comes to accompanying you to work, school, and play. Some of the Velocity’s distinctive features include its durability, waterproof performance and rear padding that ensures excellent ventilation. The Velocity’s carriage system has now been ergonomically optimized for even greater carrying comfort. The waist belt is easy to adjust and even detachable.
The Velcro roll closure makes for wonderfully easy access and packing. And if the Velcro pad should ever wear out after many years of intensive use, you can return your Velocity to ORTLIEB to have it renewed, so as to give your backpack a second life. This makes the Velocity a sustainable, lifetime companion. The backpack’s interior has also been given a new design. In addition to the large zippered inside pocket, both Velocity models now have a padded laptop compartment.
And the biggest “new feature” is the introduction of a smaller and a bigger version to the Velocity line. With a volume of 17 liters, this backpack is ideal for shorter people or for all of those who simply need less space for their precious cargo. With the 29L version you get a Velocity with quite a lot of space and an additional zipper pocket on the side.

Whether big or little, the Velocity is a purchase of a lifetime! Choose your Velocity!

Further features:

+ sturdy pack bottom with rear edge guards and quadrapod design
+ detachable chest and waist belt
+ interior with laptop compartment
+ handle
+ holder for attaching optional rear light or helmet

About Us

Though we’re a bike shop that sells, builds and fixes bicycles, they’re really just the means to an end; albeit a beautifully designed means to an idyllic end. Our job most importantly is to encourage as many people as we can to get out and ride for transport and enjoyment. We'd love to make riding a bike as commonplace as your morning cup of coffee, which by the way is our other obsession.

Contact Us

Bicycle Junction is situated at 1 Marion St, Te Aro, Wellington.

Call us on (04) 385 2362 OR send us a message.