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Goldsprints at Z Energy HQ

May 20, 2016 2 min read

Recently Z Energy invited us down to their Bike to Work breakfast at their waterfront offices in central Wellington. To some it may seem ironic that a company providing fossil fuels to motor vehicles would actively promote an alternative method of transport.  To us it seemed like a good fit - Z Energy has been very positive when it comes to cycling. They even have courtesy pumps especially for bicycles at all their service stations.  

This particular morning, the focus was around biking or walking to work. We decided to support their event by injecting a bit of healthy competition with our Goldsprints stationary bike racing machine. We set up in their cafe and held heats with each rider entering their name in the draw for a rickshaw ride to work (I was secretly panicking about the number of employees that commute from Waikanae). 

Having a bike to work day is a great way to encourage your employees or workmates to give cycling to work a go. It's also a great way to encourage your employer to provide facilities for cyclists such as showers or bike stands. If you would like to organise a bike to work breakfast at your work then get in touch! We can help provide entertainment and information to help the cause.

Briony won the rickshaw ride so the next week we picked her up from her home in Melrose and dropped her off at the office. She was surprised that it took less time than the bus. Her smile says it all. Cycling to work makes for a great day.