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Picnics in Parks

August 08, 2020 1 min read

The sun was out and we thought we could make better use of the two parking spaces outside our shop so we opened up the doors, threw down some pallets and rolled out the piano. A few plant pots, benches and bookshelves later and our "Picnics in Parks" was underway!

What was a dead space for a couple of empty cars became a busy hub of music, art and people. Steven used chalks to illustrate the surrounding road as passersby stopped to play the piano. Stories were shared, coffee was drunk, and Wellingtonians took a moment to sit in the sun and be creative. And we got treated to some live music as the soundtrack to our Saturday.

So if you're in the neighbourhood on a sunny day then keep an eye out because we can't wait to set it all up again!

If you like the sound of all this then you should go and check out the Picnics in Parks facebook page.