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Tern GSD, NZ Dealer

February 21, 2018 1 min read

Bicycle Junction is pround to carry one of the best electric cargobikes on the market today. NZ will love our compact utility e-bike for families, the Tern GSD.

The Tern GSD is a small cargo bike for two kids and loads of groceries. It is a lightweight cargobike which is only 1.8m long. The GSD is also a partially folding cargo bike, allowing it to fit into your campervan or ute as well as your urban apartment. It's the same length as a regular bike and can be stored upright. 


Watch the great video from Tern below to see what it's all about!


For more info on the Tern compact cargobike and accessories, along with our other e-bike and cargo-bike offerings, have a look at our shop and get in contact with us!

Check out the Tern GSD here!