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Tern Luggage Truss Front Mount For Bags/Racks KlickFix 7KG

Attach bags, baskets, and racks to the front of a Tern with the Luggage Truss. Attaching cargo to the frame of a bike rather than the fork or handlebars eliminates negative effects on steering. Fabricated from extruded aluminum, the Luggage Truss is extremely stiff and can hold loads up to 7 kg (15 lb). Features a KLICKfix™ quick-release connector so you can attach and detach bags at the push of a button.

About Us

Though we’re a bike shop that sells, builds and fixes bicycles, they’re really just the means to an end; albeit a beautifully designed means to an idyllic end. Our job most importantly is to encourage as many people as we can to get out and ride for transport and enjoyment. We'd love to make riding a bike as commonplace as your morning cup of coffee, which by the way is our other obsession.

Contact Us

Bicycle Junction is situated at 1 Marion St, Te Aro, Wellington.

Call us on (04) 385 2362 OR send us a message.