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FAQ: How do I look after my ebike battery?

There are some simple points you should note in order to get the most from your e-bike battery. We will go over these points with you when handing you the keys to your new e-bike.

  • A new battery will reach its full capacity after around 10 full charge/discharge cycles.
  • The first three charges should be long - 12 hours or more.
  • After these first three charges, you can maximize the battery’s life by charging it regularly (you do not have to wait for the battery to fully empty itself before you recharge it, regular ‘top-up’ charging is best).
  • When your bike is not used for long periods of time, the battery should be charged at least once every two months. Longer periods without charge will deplete the battery’s capacity.
  • You can remove the battery from the bike for charging or storage.



To find out more, feel free to watch the video we've created to explain how to use and care for you electric bike battery.Â