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FAQ: The new Bosch Cargo Line motor - What makes it different and why would I want it?

The new Cargo Line motor is the first time that Bosch has made a cargo specific electric system, and has been optimised to work as well as possible as part of a cargo bike system. 

There are a few features that seperate it from it's nearest sibling, the latest Performance Line CX motor, which are:

  • Capable at at carrying large loads up to 250kg.
  • Able to provide up to 400% assistance (compared to 340% on the CX)
  • Provides full power even at low cadences.
  • Based off the same new motor design as the Performance Line CX motor, which is smaller, lighter, more powerful, smoother and more natural than previous iterations.

All of these features come together to create not only one of the best electric assistance available at the moment, but also the first that has been specifically optimised for cargo bikes in particular. This makes for a more enjoyable ride all round.

See our range of cargo bikes here.