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FAQ: Where can I try your bikes if I'm not in Wellington?

Bicycle Junction are also an importer of a unique range of bikes. We're the New Zealand distributor for Yuba, Linus, Bullitt and Carry Freedom.

If you're not our part of the country, and you'd like to try one of our bikes, you can get in touch with one of our dealers from around the country. We've attached their details below to make things easy for you.


  • Electric Bike Team. 29 East Street, Auckland Central 1010. 09-3685899.



  • Action Bicycle Club. 8 Walker Street, Christchurch Central City, 8011. 03-261 9197.
  • Christchurch Electric Bicycles.  4 Beckford Road, St Martins, 8022. 021 352 592.



  • Cycle World. 67 Stuart Street, Dunedin Central, 9016. 03-477 7473.



  • The Bike Station. 54 Vanguard Street, Nelson 7010. 03-545 7552.