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Surly Bikes, Wellington

Bicycle Junction are now a dealer for Surly Bikes in Wellington!

We are passionate about Surly bikes and have been riding Surly's for many years. The resilience, versatility and practicality of Surly Bikes for commuting, touring, adventure or urban riding is second to none

We have several styles in store and a full range of Surly Bikes available. Whether you like a classic Surly Steamroller, a Surly Fatbike like the Pugsley or you prefer a tourer like the Disc Trucker we have the right surly for you and plenty of Surly street cred to go with it.

We ship Surly bikes to you anywhere in NZ freight free. We aim to be the best little Surly Bikes NZ dealer there is. So get in touch by email to discuss the right Custom Surly setup.